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Sunday 27 January 2019

My Forgotten Bucket List

 Dear Readers, 

I have decided that I had enough and I want things to look organized and cleaner in the house so I had decided that I want to do a proper Spring Cleaning! Jip, Spring Cleaning that other people normally starts just before Christmas I have started mine in January of all things...

My forgotten Bucket List

So I decided to start cleaning the Living Room and while I was sorting through old papers of mine I have stumbled upon old papers and one of the items that I have discovered was the Bucket List that I have written in 2011. Wow! What happened with those years!? 

Back in the day (2011) I was thinking about that a Bucket List should have 101 things on the List, but I just have 64 items on my list. Mmm!? Is there something wrong of the act that I can't even think of 101 things that I want to achieve in my life before I die? 

As I'm reading through my Bucket List I've noticed that I have just achieved to complete 13 items - yikes! 🙈 

Some of the things that I had completed are: 

  • Eating a Magnum
  • Watch a movie in 3D
  • To vote
  • Win a Competition
  • Sending a photo via Bluetooth. 

Eating a Magnum
I know that some of you might think that eating a Magnum is on your Bucket List for real? For me yes, Magnum is for you maybe not a big thing, but for me yes.  It's a LUXURY and I know for sure to eat a Magnum are really a luxurious treat! 

Watching a movie in 3D 
Are something that was something that I really wanted to see what are all the fuss about back then! I rarely go to the movies these days. To tell you the truth the last time that I had watched a movie was last year in November when I friend of mine invited me. I hate to watch a movie alone. As I'm thinking about it it's not so "wow" as I thought it should be when I think about the movie that I have watched last in 3D and yes I had my glasses on. 

To vote 
The first time that I have voted was in 2011. I was long before that already of age to vote, but my parents weren't into the voting thing, since 1994 when everything has changed dramatically in South Africa. To tell the truth I'm not too sure who to vote for these days either. SA is on the brink to become the next Zimbabwe. I have checked my information and everything looks in order, just a pity that the person who has captured my information on the system can't even copy my name correctly! 🙈🙊

To win a competition 
Why I don't know. Maybe just to get something that you received without paying for!? Well, I had won plenty of competitions, since the Aero Pleasure Bubble Experience one that I had on 13 August 2011. 

Sending a photo via Bluetooth 
That was something that I only hear about and always wondered about. Yes, you may be laughing at it now, but I have achieved this goal in April 2011. Now it's something that I do on a regular basis via my cell to my Laptop. 

Then there are things that I know that I wouldn't achieve in my life at all due to personal reasons like: 

  • Playing the Flute
  • Learn to swim
  • Having my own place
  • To drive
Playing the flute
Was something that I really want to play, since High School, but it's expensive to purchase instruments like these.  So I had to be content to learn to play the Recorder instead and yet inside of me I still long to touch the flute and to hold my lips to the mouthpiece and play a note.

It looks so fun and carefree, but I'm just too scared to go into the swimming pool. I had a couple of near death experiences that I simply don't have the courage to face the water. I will wet my feet and that's no problem, but the minute that water goes near my face my heart starts to race!  I just can't!! 

Owning my own place (Home) 
In my early twenties that was one of the goals of my life I had such a hope that life would be great and even greater when you can finally say IT'S MY OWN HOME, but little did I know that you can dream, but it's not to say it would happen. 

After I had read through this List I told my mom what was I thinking back then. There are so many things on my list that I DO KNOW would never realize in my entire life. Then she told me that I should write a new list of things that I want to achieve. 

Should I write a new Bucket List - really? Would you? 
Do you even have a Bucket List or are this simply old fashion? 

Take care, 

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