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Monday 5 October 2015


Good morning beauties,

I hope that the weather have settled for warmer days, since i like to take a walk outside and on some days to take some photos of the flowers that are in the garden!

The theme for todays prompt are floral. One of the reason why i have decided to include the photo above and that it almost matched my manicure.

I just simply had to take a photo of my manicure with the flowers at the background. ☺

I must say i really like these two colours that I've bought via a voucher that I've won from Pep Stores via the Pep Club. They are R8.00 a bottle each.

I've snapped this finger to draw your attention to the design.  When you look carefully you will see that the dots resembles a flower.  It's the closet that i could come with the prompt namely floral.  When i look at it now, maybe i should have made the center dot maybe orange or yellow like a real flower are, but hey i'm still learning every day.

I was always on the look out for dotting tools, since in my other blog post when I've done dots on my manicure I've made use of a crochet needle, but i wanted something with different sizes.

I have literally looked everywhere i could purchase one, since there are a lot of places that do sell them but the postal or delivery fees are just to much. Then I've noticed that Planet Nails are not so far from my home and heck they have some wonderful goodies in that place!

Planet Nails will definitely see me again in the near future! ☺

I must say i WAS very lucky to have spotted these two little cuties at Pep stores, since they were the last two that was on the shelve.  They are selling like hot cakes!!

If you would like to be part of group 30 Days of Colour Challenge you are definitely welcome.
To see what the prompts are for this month:

Till next time,