When you meet someone for the very first time you will first note their face and secondly you will shake their hands and then you
will notice how their hands look and feel.
When I look at my Mother’s hands they have done so many things for me over the years.
She was the one that would hold my hands when I needed encouragement, or lead me
over the road, combing my hair for school, giving me medicine when I was ill or
rubbing my back. Preparing my lunchbox
for school, washing and ironing my clothes etc.
When I take a look at my dad’s hands it reminds me of the
wonderful toasted cheese sarmies he have made. I simply can’t make that prefect toasted cheese sarmie at all. I have eaten many braai’s, but there aren’t many that
know how to make a great braai like my Dad. He’s hands was also the one that
taught me how to tie my shoelaces and how to make knot a tie.
Our hands have done all these things and much more so we
need to take proper care of them, since our hands show the first sign of aging.
Using a hand cream is the best way to repair and restore damaged hands, ensuring that they not only look younger but
feel softer too.