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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Day 6: Polka Dot |#omd3nails

20:05:00 2 Comments
Good evening beauties, 

So how was your day?  Here in Cape Town is was cold and we had a bit of a drizzle today!
I'm so looking forward to the summer...

The theme for the prompt are Polka dots, That was another challenge for me, easy if you've got the right equipment, but with my freehand skills!?  Anyway i was actually surprized that it was actually not so bad after all!  If i have to say so myself. 

Sunday 26 July 2015

Day 7: Glittery

15:36:00 4 Comments
Hello beauties,

Today is such a lovely warm day here in Cape Town during the day, except that there's a bit of an icy feel to it!  So i really enjoy the day time!

Any way the prompt for the challenge are about Glittery.  At first i didn't know what on earth can i do with that?  I'm such a novice regarding nail art manicures!  Then the following pop right in into my head it's winter and i have Tip Top  Snow Capped Glitter and that would give the theme for the winter feeling - cold & icy! Okay so that for the glittery part, but what colour would i choose?  Ice is a solid of water and blue resembles water so i decided to use blue, but would it be light or dark blue or a combination?

Then i thought why not go with light blue, hence Cinderella on ice.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Tuesday 21 July 2015

DAY 4 : Black & Gold | #omd3nails

01:23:00 2 Comments
Good morning beauties,

So how was yesterday? No one likes a Monday right...well was looking towards supper time! I made supper last night and was so  looking forward to homemade potatoes & chicken in the electrical frying pan - it was delicious, especially in winter time you are looking forward to something that are warm!  enough about food.

I know that this post are so late, but I've only recently decided to take part in this nail art competition and luckily they aren't too strict when you post you manicures - what a relief!

Monday 20 July 2015

DAY 18: LOVE | #omd3nails

03:12:00 0 Comments
Good morning beauties!

Today it's back to reality for all the students and i guess that a few parents would be relieved!  I guess you could say that we had lovely weekend, since we didn't had any rain except on the Friday otherwise it were just cold!

So of to today's prompt:♥ LOVE ♥  This one makes me think of the song that I've heard recently on the radio : "koue voete maak warm liefde" i'm not so sure about that statement, because hell if you are going to touch me and you are cold i will chase your hand away, especially in Winter!!

Monday 13 July 2015

Day 12| Watermelon |#omd3nails

09:33:00 2 Comments
Good morning beauties,

Jip, I've written another blog today! While everyone was still in dreamland i was doing my nails in the early hours while it was freezing cold!  At this moment I've noticed that the sun are shining - yeah!

My entry for today is a nail challenge competition that i want to try to complete as much of the entries as i can.  I will try my utmost best, since i'm a total novice regarding nail art, i were just basically starting to create a perfect plain manicure and I've decided to give a shot a nail art - yikes!

TIP TOP NAIL CHIC: Nuts About You - Review & Swatche

01:50:00 0 Comments
Good morning beauties, 

I hope that you batteries are refreshed for the week ahead! 

Last week i was wearing the Nuts About You Colour from Tip Top.  At first i wondered if i should buy this colour, but then i remember it would look great to wear with the jacket that i receive so much compliments from complete strangers!  I must admit it's a lovely jacket to wear in this cold winter that we are having this winter in Cape Town.  I were just lucky to have just jacket that my sister has decided to check it away and i took hold of the opportunity to grab it for myself! ☺ 

Saturday 11 July 2015


03:30:00 2 Comments
Good morning beauties, 

I trust that each one of you had a peaceful rest and you are ready to face the day! ☺ 

This would be my first nail blog post and review and i hope that you all would leave a comment what you'll thought about it. Anyway, here goes my attempt! 

I've decided to paint my nails from Tip Top Mango Tango color, since it's winter here in South Africa and only in some days we have sunny days, but most of them are so cold or a little bit rainy.